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Bio-architecture Formosana take first place with interactive learning hub

Last year, a ''Southern Branch Of The National Central Library And National Repository Library, Taiwan'' competition was launched to find designs for the Southern Branch of the National Central Library in Tainan, together with a book museum and a repository to preserve valuable digital academic materials. The competition brief called for a fresh vision to further the country’s international reach in the era of the knowledge economy. Now, BAF have been announced as the contest winners, with their proposal for an open and transparent learning environment that follows the contemporary definition of the library as an interactive hub rather than a formal space.

BAF based their concept on the idea of a town, where the main elements are linked together to create a community. The main lobby, also known as the “salon”, is an interactive flexible space for learning and events which redefines the traditional library reading room. A solar canopy providing shade and harnessing energy will be used for semi-outdoor events, where visitors can overlook the lush landscape. In order to create a lanscaped public realm central to the idea of a well-designed town, almost 90% of trees on site will be preserved, with others added to areas lacking vegetation.

The design created further links by bringing the museum into the main library. The curatorial theme of the exhibition is based around the ‘Life of a book’, beginning in the public main area with the Book-bot (ASRS- automated storage and retrieval system). The visitor will then enter the museum quarter, taking a look behind-the-scenes into activities such as book restoration, preservation and digitalisation.

The National Central Library is expected to open to the public in 2023.

Lucy Nordberg
TenderStream Head of Research

This competition was first published on 11.07.2018 by TenderStream here

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The primary reason for establishing a “Southern Branch” of Taiwan’s National Central Library And National Repository Library was logical: the main National Central Library was running out of space to store an increasingly large quantity of physical and digital items. One might have assumed this could have all been accomplished by building a large warehouse-type storage facility. Nothing of the kind happened here. The site of the competition announced by the competition organizers for the design of a new building was in a small city of 80,000 in southern Taiwan.

The process chosen for design selection was one which has increasingly been used in Taiwan since 2013—a call for firms to submit tenders, with only Taiwan-based firms allowed to do so. This does not mean that international firms were excluded, as almost all of the competitions staged under this system included international firms as collaborators with the local firm. Here is was no different, as the winner of the competition, Bio-architecture Formosana teamed up with the Italian/U.S. firm, Carlo Ratti Associati. Nine tendering firms participated in the competition, five of which received recognition and a stipend for their ranking.

The competition announcement was clear that this was not to be a simple storage facility, but an important research facility:

“For the innovation of service facilities, enhancement of quality service and reinforcement of national competitiveness, “Southern Branch of the National Central Library and National Repository Library” will locate at Xinying District, Tainan, and is anticipated to be the largest, most resource abundant national library in southern Taiwan. Further, a digital preservation center will be established in a National Repository Library, thus the National Repository Library will serve as the pioneer library in providing preservation service for valuable academic digital materials in Taiwan. “Southern Branch of the National Central Library and National Repository Library” aims to establish a national-standard library and a repository library, via international perspective with a fresh vision, in order to enhance the competitive ability of Taiwan in this era of a knowledge economy.”

The competition evaluation committee was made up of eight jurors, two of which were non-Taiwanese:

  • Felix Claus, Claus en Kaan Architecten
  • Hermann Kossmann, Kossmann DeJong Exhibition

Both were from the Netherlands, and it was interesting that Kossman, an exhibit designer with an international reputation was included on the evaluation committee.

There were obviously two main components to the design: one was the repository section for storage, the other a functioning library for the public. How this was solved site-wise turned out to be one of the major factors in the final selection of the winning design.


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台灣建築雜誌 vol.277 October, 2018

S 15007749

建築師雜誌 No.526 2018/10

S 15007750



國家圖書館南部分館暨國家聯合典藏中心定址於新營市都市計畫文高11用地,面積約5.7公頃,位屬臺南巿新營區長榮路、金華路間,距國道1號新營交流道及新營火車站各約3公里,交通便捷。本建設將斥資24億9,900萬元打造,在南部民眾、全國圖書館界及建築界殷切地期盼下,競圖結果已於8月30日出爐,由「九典聯合建築師事務所」與「美國麻省理工學院可感城市實驗室主持人Carlo Ratti」合作之團隊,以「小鎮大圖」的理念獲得全數委員青睞,榮獲首獎。

此次競圖評選委員會由國內外建築及圖書資訊領域共11位專家學者所組成,包括兩位知名荷蘭建築師Felix Claus及Herman Kossmann、國家圖書館館長曾淑賢、國家圖書館副館長吳英美、國發會副主委曾旭正、宗邁建築師事務所主持人陳邁、國立成功大學建築系榮譽教授徐明福、國立成功大學規劃設計學院副院長姚昭智、東海建築系教授陳格理、國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授陳昭珍、前國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所教授楊美華等。委員除關心國家圖書館後續營運管理、典藏空間等實際需要外,亦關心此建築設計是否符合在地民眾使用、有效考量防洪防震及節能減碳等功能需求,並期盼本建設能在民國110年順利啟用,為南臺灣民眾創造新的城市閱讀及休閒空間。








First place_Design Description


From “library as a monument” to “rooms of knowledge”

BAF x CRA proposes for an open and transparent new learning environment of “rooms of knowledge” that defines the contemporary use of library as a less formal but interactive hub.

Library in a Town, Library as a Town

The concept of library as a town was inspired by the humbleness of the context while creating a “town” as part of the town fabric. The main programs of library, museum and repository are linked through the main axis connecting the N-S sides of the site bringing people in smoothly into this library town and hoping to be as seamless and effortless as possible to form an integral part of the community. Three main ideas drive the creation of this chance encounter: the integration with nature, the openness of learning and the “museumization” of the library.


To be One with Nature: the natural & the built

The trees are towering within the site and the golden shower tree boulevard is a landmark to community. We preserve almost 90% of trees on site while carefully insert the masses within the areas without trees. This site has an existing ecosystem of which we would like to preserve and we envision the built environment to coexist harmoniously with the natural environment.


To be an Open Learning Hub: the knowledge & the community

As a response to the new-age learning environment such as co-learning, open source data sharing and digital networking, we propose the future library as a hub of open learning platform and promote collaboration. The main lobby, also known as the “salon” will be an interactive flexible space for learning and events which redefine the traditional “see-the-books reading room” idea. We have designed “The Agora” under the solar canopy as a response to the hot and humid town to provide shade and harness energy. The space will be used publicly in any time of the day and for semi outdoor events overlooking the lush landscape.


To be a Living Museum: the physical & the digital

We feel there is a need to redefine the entire museum which this project call for rather than just the book museum. The curatorial of this museum take the theme of “Life of a Book”. The journey of a museum begins in the public main axis showcasing the Book-bot (ASRS- automated storage and retrieval system) while slowly entering into the museum quarter surrounded by trees. The museum loop includes peeping into the “behind-the-scenes” of books restoration, preservation and digitalization. 


From “library as a monument” to “rooms of knowledge”

BAF x CRA proposes for an open and transparent new learning environment of “rooms of knowledge” that defines the contemporary use of library as a less formal but interactive hub.


Library in a Town, Library as a Town

The concept of library as a town was inspired by the humbleness of the context while creating a “town” as part of the town fabric. The main programs of library, museum and repository are linked through the main axis connecting the N-S sides of the site bringing people in smoothly into this library town and hoping to be as seamless and effortless as possible to form an integral part of the community. Three main ideas drive the creation of this chance encounter: the integration with nature, the openness of learning and the “museumization” of the library.


To be One with Nature: the natural & the built

The trees are towering within the site and the golden shower tree boulevard is a landmark to community. We preserve almost 90% of trees on site while carefully insert the masses within the areas without trees. This site has an existing ecosystem of which we would like to preserve and we envision the built environment to coexist harmoniously with the natural environment.


To be an Open Learning Hub: the knowledge & the community

As a response to the new-age learning environment such as co-learning, open source data sharing and digital networking, we propose the future library as a hub of open learning platform and promote collaboration. The main lobby, also known as the “salon” will be an interactive flexible space for learning and events which redefine the traditional “see-the-books reading room” idea. We have designed “The Agora” under the solar canopy as a response to the hot and humid town to provide shade and harness energy. The space will be used publicly in any time of the day and for semi outdoor events overlooking the lush landscape.


To be a Living Museum: the physical & the digital

We feel there is a need to redefine the entire museum which this project call for rather than just the book museum. The curatorial of this museum take the theme of “Life of a Book”. The journey of a museum begins in the public main axis showcasing the Book-bot (ASRS- automated storage and retrieval system) while slowly entering into the museum quarter surrounded by trees. The museum loop includes peeping into the “behind-the-scenes” of books restoration, preservation and digitalization. 










書蟲可沿著生活大街,經過戶外小書屋、圖書博物館、典藏中心、書咖啡、小鎮戲院(演講廳)等,在某個令你感到放鬆自在的處所,恣意歇息,好好享受美好閱覽時光。為了強化空間體驗,團隊也將與曾被Fast Company評為「美國最具影響力的50位設計師」的Carlo Ratti合作,通過雙方創意腦力激盪,打造出一座擁有滿滿感知體驗的未來圖書館。














































教育部次長林騰蛟表示,希望國家圖書館南部分館能滿足南部民眾對於圖書、學術資源與國際接軌的滿足,成為知識的寶庫。獲得首獎的九典聯合建築師事務所,過去曾設計過臺北市立圖書館北投分館、石牌分館、臺北花博新生園區暨新生三館、那瑪夏民權國小等,現在也在設計國家檔案館、沙崙綠能科技示範場域等重大建設,無論在建築理念以及節能減碳設計都普獲國內外的好評,其中臺北市立圖書館北投分館更曾在2016年被美國《Bussiness Insiders》雜誌評選出全球最美的圖書館之一。此次以「小鎮大圖」的設計理念,透過引進大數據分析及AI人工智慧的科技,讓圖書館成為創造知識生活的場域,同時也注重節能環保,打造全臺第一座循環圖書館。












